Defamation Lawyer

One lie can undo a lifetime.

Attorney Jesse Haskins safeguards reputations, careers, and fights for your good name.

(727) 371-9730

Do I Have a Defamation Case?

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“Jesse has represented me in numerous cases and has been a blessing in the legal field. He’s professional, diligent, and cares about the clients that he works with. If you’re looking for an honest, ethical attorney that spends the time needed to suit your needs, then call Jesse Haskins.”

Attorney Jesse Haskins

Reputation Protection from J. Haskins Law

Attorney Jesse Haskins has dedicated his legal career to bringing the truth to light. Whether it’s fighting for transparency in the agricultural industry or defending an individual’s professional reputation, Jesse is here to safeguard what you built and make the facts known.

Don't Hide When the Truth is On Your Side.

You worked hard to establish yourself and built a life around your reputation. When falsehoods, fabrications, or blatant lies threaten all of that, it can feel like your options are limited.

But you are allowed to defend yourself, your business, and your character through a defamation claim. Whether you want to bring a defamation claim against another party or defend against one, Jesse can help you.

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Awarded annually, Avvo Clients' Choice represents Jesse’s multiple 4+ star reviews.

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Avvo’s highest designation, Jesse’s Superb rating sets him apart and demonstrates his range of legal knowledge.

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Defamation Law

Let a defamation lawyer explain your right to set the record straight.

What is Defamation?

Suppose someone communicated a false statement or implication about you to a third party, and the falsehood hurt your personal or professional reputation or finances. In that case, you may have a valid defamation claim. Under defamation law, whoever communicated the false statement may have to pay you for the damage you suffered.

Do You Have a Defamation Case?
Courts recognize different forms of defamation, which is why it’s helpful to work with an experienced defamation attorney. You don’t want to get too invested when you have little chance of establishing the necessary elements of defamation in court.

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To succeed in a defamation lawsuit, you have to establish a false statement was made against yourself. People are allowed to have opinions, so you must show it was untrue and either negligently or intentionally made to hurt you. Third, and most importantly, you have to show you suffered damages because of the lie.

You also have a limited amount of time to file a defamation lawsuit. The Florida statute of limitations for civil defamation claims is two years.

“Amazing Attorney!

Will definitely have him speed dial for any legal matter. He was fast, through! Great results!”

- Anka M.

“Outstanding Service.

I appreciated their prompt response to my calls and the fact all legal options available to me were fully explained.”

- Frank L.

“Just a great attorney.

Not only was my issue resolved, Mr. Haskins provided me with excellent advice to use going forward.”

- Stephen F.

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Types of Defamation

Libel and slander are the two forms of defamation that hurt people professionally or damage their personal character. Libel is a written statement, while slander is spoken. For example, lies published in a newspaper would be libel. But a person telling others a false rumor about you during a business meeting is slander.

More About Slander & Libel

How Were You Defamed?
One of the most challenging aspects of a defamation lawsuit is determining whether the conduct rises to the level where it causes harm. But with the rise of social media and 24/7 access to news, the importance of preserving personal and professional credibility has never been more essential.

If you experienced the following or are unsure if someone defamed your character, contact J Haskins Law. Jesse will be in touch to discuss your situation.

  • Internet & Social Media Defamation
  • Restraining Orders & False Harassment
  • Workplace Claims & Professional Defamation
  • Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practice Act Claims
  • Organizational Discipline and Removal of Members
  • Officers, and Directors
  • Personal Character Attacks & False Claims
  • False Media Statements
Do I Have a Defamation Case?

Are You a Public Figure?
The standard for defamation differs slightly depending on whether you’re a private person—or a public figure.

Private figures only have to prove the other person was negligent (knew or should have known) the information wasn’t accurate but passed it on carelessly. Public figures must prove the other person told a lie maliciously.

The bar for defamation is higher for those in the public eye and applies to politicians, local leaders, and others.

Defamation Per Se
Some statements are considered so damaging they are considered defamation per se. For example, you establish slander per se if you can show someone falsely and maliciously insinuated or said you:

  • Have certain diseases;
  • Engaged in criminal activity; or
  • Acted in a way unbecoming to your profession.
  • Participated in inappropriate sexual conduct.

Compensation for Defamation

If you can show someone’s lies harmed your reputation and financial well-being, you can demand compensation. This can include compensatory and punitive damages to reimburse you for your expenses, losses, and harm, like lost business opportunities, as well as to punish the wrongdoer in some circumstances.

The best way to assess your total damages and what you can recover from a defamation lawsuit is to consult an attorney.

Do I Have a Defamation Case?

Work with a Defamation Lawyer

Pursue the truth, reclaim your good name & recover from the harm.

Attorney Jesse Haskins believes that it’s never been more important to fight against lies and false claims that hurt your standing and business. And with an impressive record for individuals harmed by hurtful untruths across Florida and North Carolina, Jesse is at the forefront of defamation law and should be by your side.

Jesse will investigate and gather evidence regarding the possible libel or slander. He’ll review what was said or written, interview witnesses, and as an experienced attorney, he knows what makes for a compelling defamation suit. If you have a case, he’ll guide you through a lawsuit and demand fair and full compensation.

Contact J Haskins Law Today

(727) 371-9730